9. 12. 2015

DIY bath salt

What you’ll need for DIY bath salts:
1. Dead sea salt
2. Essential oils (lavender, rosemary...)
3. Dried herbs. (optional) 

I used a large glass bowl to mix both of these ingredients (sea salt, dried herbs).
Add a few drops of essential oils to the mixture and stir (your option).

I like to make a batch of lavender bath salts because it reduces stress and helps me fall asleep at night. I think there’s a perfect essential oil for everyone! Enjoy to make your own and to also give them away as gift to your friends and family ( for Christmas ). 

Lavender & Lavender Petal Bath Salts
1 cup any Sea Salt
10 drops pure lavender augustifolia oil
2 Tablespoons finely ground dried lavender petals

I hope you enjoyed this simple recipe. Just be creative
♥ Yours Maggie ♥.

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